
Spirituality, Vocation, and Mission

EL4544, Luther Seminary, Fall 2020

An exploration of spirituality, vocation, and mission in adults — with support for nurturing and encouraging such.

This course is an elective in the field of educational leadership. It explores the rich wealth of Christian frameworks for understanding and nurturing spirituality, vocation and mission. Research on social and psychological development in adulthood is connected to shifting understandings of religion and spirituality. Students explore both the promises and contradictions of this research for the design of effective strategies for adult education and faith formation.

Here is a print version of the syllabus, but please note that any revisions that exist in the online moodle version of the class take precedence over this syllabus.

There are several resources I will mention during the semester, in addition to the required readings.

Required reading:

Additional Books:

Websites/email lists:

There are several resources we will mention during the semester:

Agreements for conversation

Spirituality resources more generally

During the term we will be talking about a variety of ways in which Christians might exercise leadership in public settings. Towards that end it is worth noting some of the following organizations and associations which work in the civil sector:

People exercising public leadership in ways I find interesting