Issues in Religious Ed

Contemporary Issues in Religious Ed

EL3532, Luther Seminary, J-term 2011

This is a web page developed as an adjunct to a class taught at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, MN. Please be advised: these sites are contextualized in my presentations, and are not meant to be either definitive or endorsed without critical reflection.

A project-driven, upper level course in religious education which fulfills the ED2 MDIV requirement.

Here is the the PDF syllabus for this course.

Students will need to choose one of these bibliographies, and read through the literature at that specific bibliography prior to attending the January 10-14, 2011 seminar at Luther. Other topics may be developed with the assistance of the professor.

  • Pressing issues bibliographies
  • Differing abilities
  • Social justice
  • Intercultural learning
  • Media culture
  • Sexuality
  • Creation and the environment
  • Stewardship and home economics
  • Missional spiritual formation .

Required texts are drawn from a variety of places, but all students will read at least something from the journal Lifelong Faith, and from the Practices series. Students will also refer to their basic survey book from ED1 (The Church as Learning Community, Fashion Me a People, or Teaching the Faith: Forming the Faithful).

How do we know?

Robert Kegan

Practices of faith

A motley assortment