global media & gospel

Gospel and global media cultures

CD1643, Luther Seminary, Spring of 2023

This course explores the emerging discussion at the intersection of biblical studies, cultural studies, public theology and media environments. Students study how interpreting and confessing the Gospel informs the narrative identities and practices of missional congregations as they engage their communities and the world as public companions with God in global civil society. Students use at least two digital tools to create their own interpretation and confession of Christian witness.

Here is a print version of the syllabus, but details will be added each week in moodle, and once the class begins you should refer to the moodle site for the latest information.

This class meets in an online asynchronous format. We are tending a shared resource page, and will eventually post other resources as well.

Course Objectives

  • Students will develop a working vocabulary and set of tools from biblical studies, theology, leadership theory, cultural studies and media studies for Christian public leadership that responds to the needs of contemporary religious communities as they arise within their wider environments.
  • Students will develop a familiarity with the ideas and concerns that cluster around the issue of “gospel and cultures,” particularly as related to public theology and congregational leadership in civil society.
  • Students will use that familiarity to develop a public voice in interpreting and confessing Christ’s presence, and in supporting congregational mission.
  • Students will collaborate with colleagues on learning how to communicate and teach using emerging digital tools (blogs, podcasts, digital storytelling, social media, and so on).