ScholarStrike resources

Scholar Strike main site (full of videos and other resources!)

Resources on policing and racial justice

Campaign Zero resources (to end police violence)

What the data say about police shootings (from the magazine Nature, which is one of the premier science journals)

What the data say about police brutality and racial bias — and which reforms might work (from the magazine Nature, which is one of the premier science journals)

The infuriating history of why police unions have so much power by Samantha Michaels (a long form magazine essay)

Resources on racism and theology

A reflection on the anniversary of the song "Strange Fruit" produced by Christian Theological Seminary in Indiana

Black Lives Matter: Where Do We Go From Here? (an ATS forum)

Black Lives Matter: An ATS Biennial Open Forum for CEOs and CAOs

Willie James Jennings at Luther Seminary

Resources on racism and pedagogy

Teaching religion as anti-racism education (from the American Academy of Religion)

Wabash Center webinars there are many different ones available here, all of which engage racism, pedagogy, and religion


Phil Vischer’s Race in America video (good as an introduction)

films on racial justice and climate change

Two powerful panels with Macalester College faculty:
The Pandemic of Anti-blackness, and How Does Race Matter?: Anticolonial and Anticapitalist Struggles Across the Globe