Faith Resources for Communities in Pandemic
This is a web page of resources that I am collecting as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds. Click here to get back to the index.
Research projects
- Heidi Campbell’s edited e-books
- Digital Tech in Churches project
- big research project Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations
Resources for communities of faith
- How to lead when your team is exhausted … and you are, too
- A lecture I gave back in October, at Boston College, which now feels even more relevant. I titled it "Finding faith in the maelstrom: Storytelling as a source of hope," and the slides for the lecture are also available.
- Trauma-informed ministry (a handout from the APCE conference by Rebecca Davis)
- Trauma-informed tools for youth camping ministry
- Trauma-informed priorities for adult Christian formation
- HDS’ list of resources
- Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi address on coronavirus and Jesus calming the storm
- Resources curated by the Samuel DeWitt Proctor conference
- Resources curated by Reconciling Works (welcoming LGBTQIA+ persons)
- Public domain hymn accompaniments and lots more sources to find music you can use digitally
- Cloud hymnal (resources free to use)
- Shades of Yale (an acapella singing group) singing "Amen"
- A blessing of the devices as an alternative this year to "blessing of the backpacks"
- "Skeleton key, lockdown edition" (Dessa with the MN Symphony Orchestra)
- The Easter Triduum, prepared by Dan Schutte and NCR
- The UK Blessing (churches all over the UK sing a benediction together)
- The pandemic will pass. Our grief will endure.
- Mourning collective loss, grief in a time of pandemic
- Patterns of pain: What the COVID-19 virus can teach us about being human
- Living with pre-grief in a pandemic
- Susan Thistlethwaite on living with grief
- Discernment in the cave (an Ignatian digital retreat for a time of pandemic)
- Quick "how-to" videos for formation
- An Ignatian examen (in both English and Spanish)
- LitPress resource available for free during this time
- A SALT Project free printable helping families with self-care at home during a pandemic
- A statement from the World Council of Churches and their ecumenical partners
- Resources from the Ignatian Solidarity Network (emphasizing social justice)
- Jesuit prayers for this time
- Principles for online ritual design
- My favorite prayer (Psalm 46:11) as a meditation
- Great summary of Heidi Campbell’s research on religion and online spaces (she’s a scholar whose work I deeply admire)
- Research summary and lessons on doing "religion online"
- Religious guidance for daily life during a pandemic — this is a multi-faith site for traditions beyond Christianity
- Calvin Institute of Worship’s huge link list of resources for this time
- "Some people" a powerful poem
- James Martin, SJ on faith in a time of coronavirus
- Good advice on pastoral care
- Good advice for livestreaming worship that encourages participation
- Parish resources in a time of social distancing
- Sojourners list of useful resources for faith communities
- The Anglican Church of Canada’s list of resources
- Community care in a time of COVID19
- Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis resource page
- Ethically rationing health resources (a report written in 2010 by MN chaplains)
- A letter from the virus (a video meditation)
- Another "letter from the virus" (this one done in English)
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