The following links are to projects that various students have worked on in some of the contexts in which I teach. They all have something interesting to share, although like any student project, they are also simply beginning steps on much longer roads. Thanks to all of the students who agreed to risk sharing their projects in this way! I hope that if you find any of these useful, you'll contact the people involved directly. This page will be updated on a continuing basis, so check back at the end of every semester.
An excellent discussion of the issues raised in ministry with children in worship, written by Greg Priebbenow. Also read his annotated bibliography on this topic, which is full of useful resources.
"A five week intergenerational study of magazine advertising messages in light of God's story for us," written by Marilyn deVeer.
Books on Grief/Loss for Families with Young Children. Developed by Susan Weaver, Coordinator of Children and Family Ministry at Prince of Peace Church.
Bibliodrama - Contemporary Midrash: An outline of bibliodrama and example in the parable "A father and two sons." Written by Dennice Gooley. Note also here diagram, which should accompany her essay.
A Music Discography to accompany the book "Practicing our Faith." Compiled and interpreted by Marc Wilson.
A Meditation on Equipping for Ministry and Vocation. Written by Paul Koch.
A fine reflection on "knowing" using the work of Parker Palmer. Written by Kendra Rosencrans.
A site for "Nurturing Catholic Identity" written by a Catholic student who has studied at several Lutheran institutions.
Resources on caring for creation:
Debra Ost, a "Spirituality of Food Retreat" (agenda, goals, bible study, worship, Taize, retreat centers list)
Renita Eidenschink, "Connecting Nature with Scripture: A plan for children during Advent" (outline)
Emily Chrissis, "Caring for Creation," a First Article unit for confirmation that engages the environment (outline)
Molly Sasser-Goehner, "Food and Faith," an intergenerational learning unit for persons 8 years and older (outline)
Joy Norquist, "Caring for Creation," lessons aimed at Grade 2 through Middle School (outline)
David Smith,"An Environmental Component for Confirmation," (outline)
Amy Scaletta, "An Introduction to Natural Living," six units aimed at a family-based, or intergenerational group (outline)
David Sands, "Caring for God's Temple: The Human Body," an adult learning unit (outline)
Karen Gutzman, "A Compost Project," a learning unit suitable for families, middle years kids, or an intergenerational setting (outline)
Sarah Pennewell, "Women Healing Earth: A powerpoint presentation." (presentation) (program)
Claire Bischoff -- "A website of resources"
Heather Brown - "Lessons in faith-based recovery for grades 9-12: Creation, chaos and cosmos"
Jay Graves - "Urban camping and the environment: A one week plan"
Eileen Hanson - "Liturgy and creation: The blessing of animals" (essay) (worship folder)
Kristin Kelsey - "A lenten worship service with creation themes"
Ross Murray - "A lesson plan for junior/senior high youth on creation themes"
Rachel Oldfather - "A lesson plan for 3-5 year olds on God the Creator, with multiple intelligence foci" (chart) (lesson plan)
David Piper - "Worship service, centering on Genesis 1"
Rebecca Piper - "A seven forum plan for earth-keeping with adults"
Carol Sinykin - "A study of Revelation, with a focus on Earthcare" (outline) (session one) (session two) (session three) (session four) (session five) (session six) (worksheet of cities)
I hope you've found this page useful!
Return to main page. Last updated in December 2004 by Mary Hess.